Beloved JOAN: I wonder if yous tin can help explain some odd beliefs on my cat'due south part.

New Pet Pal LogoHe is a wonderful kitty: loving, playful and very low maintenance. So, this isn't an urgent situation at all, merely I do worry about him.

During the day, whether it is 95 degrees or xx degrees, he buries himself nether whatever blankets I have on the bed and stays in that location for hours and hours, sleeping and animate his own air. No problem; I'grand happy that he's happy.

But at night, when I'1000 sleeping, I love a common cold bedroom, oestrus off, ceiling fan on and a warm bed, snuggled under a thick comforter, the same one he is buried under during the day. He sleeps with me at night and I worry that he is cold because he volition not go under the blankets. I endeavor putting the comforter over him — all the way over him, role of the way over him, just a bit of the comforter over his backside — and he volition have none of it. He moves out from underneath information technology every time.

Logic tells me that if he is common cold, he knows that existence under the coating is where the warmth is, but it merely nags at me that he's common cold and won't, for some reason, get under the comforter. Exercise you take any idea why he won't get under the blankets at nighttime when he loves beingness there during the day? Is it my smell, odor, whatever that is keeping him out in the cold? Should I fifty-fifty worry almost him being cold? And if so, what tin can I practice for him?

Ann Hoopingarner, Bay Area

Dear ANN: I wouldn't worry also much well-nigh your stubborn cat, and don't take his shunning personally. Your theory that if he's cold, he'll get under the covers, is the right one. Because he doesn't — or doesn't observe another identify in the house to sleep — is an indication that he's merely fine.

Cats are odd little creatures and their behaviors can mystify us. I'g thinking the reply in this instance is that cats are naturally nocturnal. They sleep a lot during the mean solar day and when the sun sets, their hunting instincts kick in. If your true cat races around the firm or stalks you lot, that's why.

Because they are on alert, your true cat might not want to get nether the covers and dull his senses. He might be snoozing, only he's listening to what'southward going on effectually him, ready to pounce.

Alarm for dog owners

If y'all like to give your dog a pocket-sized gustation of your food, be sure you read the list of ingredients before sharing. A lot of companies are adding xylitol, a pop sugar substitute, to their products to replace sugar and other sweeteners.

Xylitol is commonly used in sugar-free gums and candies, and toothpastes. Now y'all might find it in your peanut butter and other products.

While xylitol is harmless to humans, it tin can exist deadly to dogs. It causes a severe release of insulin, chop-chop dropping their blood saccharide to dangerous levels. That can cause hypoglycemia or astute liver failure.

If your dog gets into something with xylitol, symptoms will announced most immediately. Those include weakness or lethargy, depression, collapse, vomiting, tremors and seizures. Get the dog to the vet immediately.